jueves, 23 de mayo de 2013



Era la primera vez que subía a cazar corzos a este coto de león, estábamos en abril, la veda recién abierta, por lo que los corzos deberían estar tranquilos como así nos confirmo Jorge, este es el guarda con el que íbamos a cazar, joven si, pero con mucha experiencia, se conoce aquellos montes mejor de lo que yo voy a llegar a conocer nunca.
Como siempre iba con mi padre, teníamos un precinto de corzo cada uno, yo ya sabia que mi turno era segundo, así que deseaba que mi padre tuviera suerte rápido para poder entrar en acción.
Habíamos quedado con Jorge a las 6:30 de la mañana en la puerta del hotel, desde donde partiríamos hacia el coto.
De camino al coto yo no paraba de observar el paisaje, tan distinto de mi sierra cordobesa, rápidamente me di cuenta de que allí los animales tienen mucha defensa, y que no iba a ser tarea fácil. A las 7 de la mañana estábamos en el coto, dejamos el coche, preparamos todo y empezamos a subir un carril ya a pie.
Cuando nos acercábamos a lo alto del carril, Jorge nos dijo que nos preparáramos, que había un prado donde los corzos salían de vez en cuando, y así fue nada mas asomarnos, vimos un corzo que ya estaba saliendo del prado y adentrándose en el monte, mi padre se preparo todo lo rápido que pudo, y ya con el corzo casi apunto de desaparecer , tiro, el corzo pego un salto y se fue visiblemente tocado, Jorge y yo nos fuimos a intentar dar con el, encontramos sangre y empezamos a seguirla, y después de media hora de rastreo el corzo se levanto a unos 20 metros de nosotros sin darnos tiempo a tirarle, a las 2 horas decidimos dejarlo , Jorge iría otro día con los perros a intentar dar con el, por la sangre ambos pensamos que el tiro estaría en el jamón.
Ese día ya no volvimos a ver nada mas excepto un corzo sin descorrear muy lejos, y una corza, eso si el amigo Jorge nos metió un “tute” de  andar curioso.
Sin mas y muy cansados nos fuimos a la cama con esa sensación amarga que se te queda después de fallar un lance.
A la mañana siguiente repetimos la misma operación, misma hora y mismo sitio, volvimos a dejar el coche en el mismo lugar, y cual fue nuestra sorpresa que al asomarnos al prado había otro corzo, solo unos metros mas debajo de donde mi padre había tirado el suyo, rápidamente me tumbe para poder apoyarme sobre la mochila, el corzo no paraba y cada vez estaba mas lejos y mas tapado, por suerte se paro,, y dispare, el corzo no salió por ninguno de los sitios por donde debería de salir , fuimos hasta el sitio del tiro y el corzo apenas se había movido, estaba a unos 5 metros de donde lo había tirado
Era un corzo bonito, muy parejo y muy alto, hasta momento era uno de los mejores que tenia.
Como si de una repetición se tratara habíamos tirado en dos días en el mismo sitio y a la misma hora dos corzos distintos.


                                          SAME TIME, SAME PLACE,DIFFEREN ROE BUCK
It was the first time that I would be hunting roe bucks in this area of Leon. It was april, and the hunting season had just opened, so the roe bucks should be very calm. Jorge, the guide with whom we would be hunting, may be young but he has a lot of experience. He knows those valleys and mountains better than I will ever know them. 
As always I was going with my father, we each had a roe buck tag and I already knew my turn would come after my dads, so I hoped my father got lucky as soon as possible so that I could start my hunt.

 We had agreed to meet Jorge at 6:30 am in front of the hotel, from here we would travel to the hunting area. On the way to the area, 
I couldn't stop observing the landscape, so very different from the landscape of Cordoba. I quickly realised that the animals had a lot of defences in this area, due to the terrain and this hunt would be quite hard.  

 At 7 am we were in the hunting area, we left the car and got everything ready and started the climb following the path on foot. When we were approaching the top of the path Jorge told us to be ready because there was a field where the roe bucks came out to feed often. As soon as we could see the field we also saw a roe buck which was already leaving the field on the way to the thick bush. My father got ready as fast as possible and with the roe buck already entering the bush, he shot, the roe buck jumped at the shot and was visibly hurt. Jorge and I went to the place where the roe buck had been to try and find it. As soon as we got there we found blood and we started to follow it. 30 minutes later the roe buck jumped up 20 metres from us where it had been bedded. We didn't have chance to shoot it another time. We decided to leave it 2 hours later, deciding that Jorge would come another day with the dog to try and find it. We both thought the shot was a bit far back, near the back leg. 

 The rest of the day went by and we only saw one more roe buck very far off and one female but Jorge made sure that we had walked our fair share, which was a lot. 

 Back at the hotel, in our state of tiredness, we went straight to bed with the sour feeling that always remains after missing an opportunity.

 The next morning, we followed the same plan as the previous day: same time, same place. We left the car where we had the previous day, and to our surprise when we approached the field from the previous day we saw that there was another roe buck, only a few metres away from where my dad had shot his. I lay down and rapidly rested the rifle on the back pack. The roe buck was walking and was getting further away by the second, luckily he eventually stopped, partly covered by a bush. I aimed and pulled the trigger. At the shot we lost sight of the animal but he hadn't exited from the bush he had been standing behind. We walked up to the spot where the roe buck had been standing and we saw that he had barely moved 5 metres from the spot where we had shot him. 

 It was a very nice roe buck, very symmetrical and very long. At that moment it was one of the biggest I had hunted. 

 As if it was a repetition, in 2 days we had shot two different roe bucks, in the same spot, at the same time.

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